Welcome to a new school year at St. Peter's Catholic SS
Published on Sep 1, 2017 11:10
Dear Parent(s)/Guardian(s):
Welcome to another exciting school year at St. Peter’s. Every year, our board chooses a spiritual theme which serves as our inspiration and spiritual focus. The theme for the 2017-2018 school year is Our Story-Our Journey. At St. Peter’s, we teach our students to honour the differences among us and we value the many learning styles, interests and cultural backgrounds of our students, staff and families. We foster openness and respect. Our focus this year will be to celebrate each individual’s unique gifts and encourage our staff and students to use them to serve God’s family.
St. Peter’s is truly an amazing place filled with talented students, teachers and support staff. We ask that you encourage your son/daughter to be advocates of their learning and to participate in the many extra curricular activities that our school offers. Their time at St. Peter’s will go by quickly and they will have so many fond memories as they embark on another school year. I am encouraging all of you to take an active role in your son/daughter’s education by getting involved either through joining our parent council which meets the third Monday of each month, or through participating in the many activities that will take place throughout the year.
Communication between home and school is vital to ensure that your child succeeds. At this time I am requesting that you follow us using either twitter, remind, E-Newsletter or visiting our web page.
To sign up for our newsletter (e blast), please visit our web site and register.
To sign up for remind: Class of 2018 text this message @stp2018
Class of 2019 text this message @stp2019
Class of 2020 text this message @stp2020
Class of 2021 text this message @stp2021
To sign up for twitter: @SMCDSB_PET
To sign up for E Newsletter: Visit our home page website pet.schools.smcdsb.on.ca and register for e blast.
We look forward to celebrating the many wonderful moments that your child will encounter at St. Peter’s. Thank you for choosing Catholic education.
Our first Parent Council Meeting is September 18, 2017 at 6:30 p.m. in our Learning Commons Area.
Heinrich Bebie