After School Literacy Skills Development Program
Published on Feb 15, 2017 13:35
Dear Parent/Guardian:
Re: After School Literacy Skills Development Program
This year, St. Peter’s Catholic Secondary School is offering an after school literacy skills development program at no cost. The goal of this program is to provide additional support and instruction in reading and writing in preparation for the Ontario Secondary School Literacy Test, which will take place Thursday, March 30, 2017. This program is open to all Grade 10 students and those who were unsuccessful (Previously Eligible) in their first attempt last year writing the OSSLT. Each session will be 90 minutes in length from 2:15 - 3:45 pm in rooms 226/227. There are four teachers available to teach the course as a high number of students attend each year. The sessions will run on the following dates:
Wednesday February 22
Monday February 27
Wednesday March 1
Monday March 6
Wednesday March 8
Monday March 20
Wednesday March 22
Monday March 27
It is our hope that your son/daughter will attend this after school literacy skills development program. We have promoted the sessions in school, and made every effort to contact your son/daughter directly. We felt that we should inform you directly as well. Students can join the program even after the first session has started. Transportation will not be provided. Students are to sign up in the Library with their forms. If you have any questions please feel free to contact Manon Heran, English Department Chairperson, at ext. 863, or Lynn Ifill, Teacher-Librarian, at ext. 239.
Yours in Literacy,
Mr. H. Bebie Mrs. D. Verardi Ms. M. Heran
Principal Vice Principal English Chairperson