Exam Procedures and E-Learning Exam
Published on Jan 26, 2017 08:49
- Wednesday, Feb 1, 2017 – Inclement Weather provision. In the event of an inclement weather day during final exam schedule, exams will occur on the next exam day, shifting exams forward.
- Textbooks and course materials/equipment are to be returned to teacher prior to or on the day of the exam.
- Students are to be in full uniform for exams.
- Students are not to have any personal electronic devices while the exam is being written.
- Students MUST remain for a minimum 1 hour.
- If a student misses the exam because of illness, a note from a doctor is required.
- Students are to work quietly in the cafeteria or exit the building following exam dismissal/completion.
- Buses run on the usual schedule.
- Good luck to each and every one of you.
Semester 1 Exam Schedule
All exams begin at 8:00 am sharp.
Please arrive early.
Most exams are an hour and a half (some senior exams are 2 hours - check with your teacher)
Students are not permitted to leave the classroom for the first hour.
Thursday, January 26: Period 1 Exam
Friday, January 27: Period 2 Exam
Friday, January 27: E-Learning Exam 11:30am until 2:00pm
Monday, January 30: Period 3 Exam
Tuesday, January 31: Period 4 Exam
Wednesday, February 1: Alternate Exam Day
Thursday, February 2: PD Day
Friday, February 3: PD Day
Monday, February 6: First day of Semester 2
If there are bus cancellations the exam for that day will be rescheduled. Please check the school website, twitter, and the e-newsletter for updated information.