Semester 1 Exam Schedule
Published on Jan 20, 2017 09:09
Semester 1 Exam Schedule
All exams begin at 8:00 am sharp.
Please arrive early.
Most exams are an hour and a half (some senior exams are 2 hours - check with your teacher).
Students are not permitted to leave the classroom for the first hour.
See your teacher for the location of your exam (usually in your classroom).
Thursday, January 26: Period 1 Exam
Friday, January 27: Period 2 Exam
Monday, January 30: Period 3 Exam
Tuesday, January 31: Period 4 Exam
Wednesday, February 1: Alternate Exam Day
Thursday, February 2: PD Day
Friday, February 3: PD Day
Monday, February 6: First day of Semester 2
If there are bus cancellations the exam for that day will be rescheduled (generally to the next day, and following exams will be moved a day later as well). Please check the school website, twitter, and the e-newsletter for updated information.