Thank you and Merry Christmas
Published on Dec 21, 2016 09:19
Merry Christmas to Everyone
Then the King will say to those on His right, ‘Come, you who are blessed by my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world. For I was hungry and you gave Me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave Me something to drink, I was a stranger and you took Me in, I was naked and you clothed Me, I was sick and you looked after Me, I was in prison and you visited Me.'
Matthew 25:34-36
As we approach the end of the week, we wanted to keep you informed on the work that started weeks ago and is credited to you all, the Leadership class, PSU, and many of the Period 1 classes. So many classes and individuals were outstanding!!! We know many of the staff and parents provided the needed motivation, and money, where necessary too. THANK YOU!!
We have made a generous donation to the Christmas Cheer organization that will be feeding and providing gifts for upward of 1800 families in the Barrie area this holiday season.
We also have accomplished our goal of providing for the needs and modest wish list for 24 + families in our school community. These families will have Christmas Dinner, fresh produce (potatoes, carrots, onions, apples + bananas), some meat items for the freezer, along with a care package of food to help over the next couple weeks. We owe Dave White and his many friends a special thank you!
Our school community also provided all individuals hygiene products, books (and other reading/writing/colouring materials), wonderful toys (all ages from babies and up), clothing items and gift cards to all our students, their siblings and other specific family members. Also, with our work and a very generous donation by Rock 95 radio station, every family member who needed a coat or snow suit is now ready for the winter season. All hats, mitts and scarves have also be distributed. (Did you know we had students wearing wind breakers to school? Now they will be warm.)
So many people (staff and students) gave of their time, talent and themselves to getting this done, we are truly a special and wonderful community.
We can all enter this holiday season feeling especially proud of our combined efforts. So many wonderful stories have come from this effort to be giving in this season of so much getting. We did more than just good....we did it in the epic St. Peter's style we all are so incredibly proud of!
We also want to let you know how very grateful the parents/students were. Many of them were in tears when they found out how generous our school community was. Words can't describe our gratitude for making their Christmas a much brighter one.
Thank you, and God Bless
St. Peter's Catholic Secondary School