Immunization Record Update
Published on May 17, 2016 12:05
Attention High School Parents!
It’s time to update your child’s immunization record. As parents, you must update the health unit any time your child receives a new immunization (like their 14-16 year booster). If your child is not immunized, you will need to provide the health unit with a current medical exemption or affidavit to keep on file.
Before going off on summer holidays, take a few moments to make sure your child’s record is up to date. Here’s how:
1. Check: Your child’s yellow immunization card.
2. Contact: Your child’s family physician or health-care provider to obtain records, or to get missing vaccinations.
3. Share: Visit the health unit’s website and use a secure online form immsonline to enter their complete record, or Fax a completed record to 705-726-3962.
Every student in Simcoe County and Muskoka must have an up to date immunization record on file at the Simcoe Muskoka District Health Unit – it’s the law. For more information, or to speak with a nurse on the health unit’s immunization team, call 705-721-7520 or 1-877-721-7520.